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Decorative Design
Shades of Pink Roses Civil War Day Dress w/Square Peplum*30
Shades of Pink Roses Civil War Day Dress w/Square Peplum*30Shades of Pink Roses Civil War Day Dress w/Square Peplum*30
Decorative Design

Shades of Pink Roses Civil War Day Dress w/Square Peplum*30


Product Details

It is perfect for any event being 100% cotton with 100% cotton trim.

It is a 100% cotton rose print. It has a mottled pink and rose colored background with beautiful roses. It is accented with matching natural colored cotton braid.

The bodice has a lovely v-shaped neckline, with dropped shoulders. The neckline has been accented with 2 rows of braid to accent your face and elongate the neckline. The extra full pagoda styled sleeves also have matching Matching braid. It has a hidden hook and eye closure down the front. It has 4 darts in front and princess seams in the back for a perfect fit. The hemline has been hand hemmed. the front hemline is pointed with a square peplum in the back. The hemline has been trimmed with matching braid.

The skirt is 180 inches around. It is handpleated onto the matching waistband and has been hemmed to about 44 inches long. It, too, is accented with 2 rows of cotton braid.

It is designed to have a dickie or full blouse to be worn underneath the bodice. In the summer, use a dickie for neckline coverage or add a full blouse in the winter for warmth.

The gown itself measures waist of 30 inches with a bust of 38 iinches
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